Thank You for Inspiring Minds and Empowering Futures during Get Online Week in Southwark

Together, we not only celebrated the importance of digital literacy but also sowed the seeds of positive change in the lives of those who may have been hesitant about embracing the online world. Your contributions have ignited a spark of hope and curiosity in many minds, and this is a significant step towards creating a more digitally inclusive future.

The Foreign Office 2021’s Integrated Review: Yay or Nay?

The Pandemic has certainly changed the face of society as we know it for the foreseeable future. Although ‘cataclysmic’ in nature, the Pandemic has not only disrupted every walk of life, it has also exposed certain societal gaps – that should be addressed. The inherent lockdown has highlighted certain health and learning inequalities and weContinueContinue reading “The Foreign Office 2021’s Integrated Review: Yay or Nay?”

6 lessons teachers can take away from the pandemic

COVID-19 has put new demands on the triple bottom line, and there is no one manual or exit for and from the current situation. Though we currently experience a partial lockdown, the unpredictability of the pandemic is real, and the restrictions on social and physical interaction remain in place. COVID-19 did not only disrupt learningContinueContinue reading “6 lessons teachers can take away from the pandemic”

VoiceBox Café: Giving Women a voice in politics and public life

Good Things Foundation was recently awarded one of eight grants to deliver NEW “Use Your Voice” through VoiceBox Cafés in England. The project is funded by Women’s Vote Centenary Grant Scheme, it is part of Bridging The Digital Divide, and it exists to give Women a voice in politics and public life. In the article, I introduce projectContinueContinue reading “VoiceBox Café: Giving Women a voice in politics and public life”

Hope perspective: How to understand how memory works

According to Dr Lorraine Hope at the University of Portsmouth, memory makes us who we are, and although memory is reliable – it is not necessary for us to be false or deliberately economical with the truth to inaccurately state a fact/facts. Despite contemporary approach to memory and the success rate within applied psychological fields,ContinueContinue reading “Hope perspective: How to understand how memory works”