Applying John Kotter’s 8-Step Model to Tackle Digital Inclusion and Data Poverty

By applying John Kotter’s 8-step model for leading change, community organisations can effectively mitigate digital exclusion and data poverty, foster digital inclusion, and empower individuals and communities to thrive in the digital age.

Thank You for Inspiring Minds and Empowering Futures during Get Online Week in Southwark

Together, we not only celebrated the importance of digital literacy but also sowed the seeds of positive change in the lives of those who may have been hesitant about embracing the online world. Your contributions have ignited a spark of hope and curiosity in many minds, and this is a significant step towards creating a more digitally inclusive future.

IFB Gaming joins Future Dot Now Coalition

It delights me to announce that IFB Gaming has joined Future Dot Now Coalition. Building the digital and data provisions, accessibility and capabilities of BAME communities is key to our digital transformation. However, we do not always have to wait for the problem to escalate before we start any planning process. The pandemic has createdContinueContinue reading “IFB Gaming joins Future Dot Now Coalition”

Gamification and the many attempts to scale and define it

Sebastian Deterding defined gamification as ‘the use of game design elements in non-game contexts’. His definition is most widely used definition. It’s often recommended by professionals and scholars as it captures ambiguity and complexities. History of Gamification The use of game thinking has been around for as long as man was required to formulate plansContinueContinue reading “Gamification and the many attempts to scale and define it”

Understanding Why Older Generations Tend to Shy Away from Technology

People, over the age of 65, those on low incomes, and disabled people make up a large segment of the population who remain digitally excluded. These groups are unable to fully benefit from the vast opportunities that the internet and technology manifest. Today, I am particularly interested in the ‘people over 65’ above, and toContinueContinue reading “Understanding Why Older Generations Tend to Shy Away from Technology”