Today, I’m exploring a topic that is deeply important to me — Digital Inclusion! If you’re unfamiliar with the term, don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds.
Digital inclusion is about ensuring everyone has access to the technology and digital skills they need to participate fully in society. It’s crucial for education, employment, and connecting with others in our increasingly digital world. Let’s dive in and understand why this issue matters so much and how we can make a difference together!
According to the UN, Digital inclusion is defined as “equitable, meaningful, and safe access to use, lead, and design of digital technologies, services, and associated opportunities for everyone, everywhere”.
Digital Inclusion is really about reducing digital exclusion. It is about making sure that people have the capability to use the internet to do things that benefit them day to day – whether they be individuals, SMEs or community organisations.
As you may observe in some walks of life, digital is a becoming an essential bridge to public services, education and employment. Without the manifestation of digital, many citizens will not be able to fully participate in socio-economic planning, growth and development – e.g dating and dating apps, jobs and job hunting and key public services.
Digital inclusion is often defined in terms of:
- Digital skills – being able to use computers and the internet. This is important, but a lack of digital skills is not necessarily the only, or the biggest, barrier people face. This is a barrier that we have been collectively tackling through the National Digital Inclusion Network amalgamated by Good Things Foundation to eradicate digital exclusion and data poverty in the UK. Today, citizens can get access to a variety of digital inclusion services near them through the National Digital Inclusion Map.
- Digital literacy – being able to understand how to navigate around any device and the confidence and competence needed to do so. This is important, and one way IFB Gaming tackles this barrier is through practical workshops and provision of devices and data for continued micro learning through the National Device and Databank.
- Accessibility – services should be designed to meet all users’ needs, including those dependent on assistive technology to access digital services. Accessibility is a barrier for many people, but digital inclusion is broader. This is important and epitomised through my work with NHS England and Community Groups.
- Usability – services should be designed to meet all users’ needs, including those dependent on assistive technology to access digital services. Accessibility is a barrier for many people, but digital inclusion is broader. This is important and epitomised through my work with NHS Digital.
- Connectivity – access to the internet. People need the right infrastructure but that is only the start.
According to GOV.UK, each of the components of digital inclusion above address a single specific barrier that some, but not all, people and organisations face. There is seldom just one reason why people are digitally excluded, and there is no single approach to solving it.
The Challenge
Following 7 successful Get Online Week Campaigns in London and exposing citizens to Essential Digital and Basic Skills (developed by Future Dot Now), how do I ensure their continued learning and growth while catering for new learners?
To address this, I developed a framework (below) to support returning learners, ensuring our digital inclusion hub can simultaneously focus on both new and vulnerable learners as well as seasoned leaners. This approach allows us to create an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their digital proficiency, can thrive and continue their education effectively.

- Mindset: Support new learners to build the confidence and competence to use digital devices, products and services and navigate the Internet. Learn My Way is a great tool for this objective. Learn My Way is a free web-based App with digital skills and literacy courses for everyone. The App was developed by Good Things Foundation for the National Digital Inclusion Network.
- Hands-on (Intrinsic Passion): Explore hands-on activities such as sewing, baking or publishing through playful programmes. Ensure that the activity of choice is transformable and the learner is indeed passionate about the activity.
- Tech Literacy & Skills: Build on essential digital and basic skills training. For example, here, I teach residents of London’s Brandon Estate how to develop their own website having completed the Essential Digital Skills programme.
- Continued Learning & Support: Maintain an open learning centre that accommodates both new learners and returning learners. Ensure that there are opportunities for accessible micro learning through online learning infrastructures and modules. At IFB Gaming’s Empowering Futures, we employ the dedicated National learning App – Learn My Way – for online and micro learning. Learn My Way is free and it will always be free to use for voluntary and community organisations in England.
Now, I explore why focusing on learners’ intrinsic passion during digital inclusion (tech literacy and skills development) is essential:
1. It Enhances Motivation and Engagement
When learners are intrinsically motivated, they engage more deeply with the material. Intrinsic passion means they find personal satisfaction and interest in the subject and activity, leading to sustained effort and enthusiasm. Research shows that intrinsic motivation is linked to higher engagement and better learning outcomes compared to extrinsic motivation .
2. It Promotes Lifelong Learning
By tapping into learners’ intrinsic interests, educators and digital champions can foster a love for learning that extends beyond the formal discourse. This is crucial in technology fields, where continuous learning is necessary due to rapid advancements. Learners who are passionate about what they are learning about technology are more likely to stay updated with new skills and knowledge for their passion and throughout their careers .
3. It Encourages Creativity and Innovation
Intrinsic passion encourages learners to explore and experiment, leading to greater creativity and innovation. When learners are driven by their interests, they are more likely to think outside the box and develop unique solutions to problems. This is particularly important in digital inclusion, where innovative thinking can lead to significant advancements, new opportunities and new solutions.
4. It Builds Resilience and Perseverance
Learning technology can be challenging, and your learners often encounter setbacks. Intrinsic motivation helps learners persevere through difficulties. When learners are passionate about the subject and activity and they can perceive the connection, they are more likely to view challenges as opportunities to grow rather than obstacles to avoid .
5. It Deepens Understanding and Mastery
Passion-driven learning encourages learners to delve deeper into subjects and constructs, leading to a more profound understanding and mastery of skills. Intrinsically motivated learners are more likely to engage in deliberate practice and seek out additional resources and support to enhance their knowledge and manifestations.
6. It Enhances Personal and Professional Fulfillment
When individuals pursue technology education based on their intrinsic interests, they are more likely to find personal and professional fulfillment. This alignment between passion and career can lead to greater job satisfaction and overall well-being, contributing positively to both individual and organizational success.
7. It Aligns with Educational Best Practices
Educational theories, such as Self-Determination Theory (SDT), emphasize the importance of intrinsic motivation in effective learning. According to SDT, intrinsic motivation is driven by the need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Incorporating these elements into tech literacy programs can significantly enhance learning experiences.
Focusing on learners’ intrinsic passion during digital inclusion (tech literacy and skills) development is crucial for fostering motivation, creativity, resilience, and lifelong learning. By aligning educational practices with learners’ interests and passions, digital hubs can create more engaging, effective, and fulfilling learning experiences.
Are you working to eradicate digital inclusion in the UK? Let me know what you think of the this update and the framework.
Keep up the great work that you’re doing in our communities!
- Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
- Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.
- Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.
- Amabile, T. M. (1996). Creativity in Context. Westview Press.
- Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.
- Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance.
- Pink, D. H. (2009). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.
- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behaviour.