John Adewole PMP

A seasoned human and cultural geographer, experience designer, author and the first to capture the extent of modality switching from the gaming paradigm through a longitudinal virtual ethnography exploring the vitality and efficacy of the cyberspace construct as a social accommodator for the insecurely attached.

I was born in Lagos, Nigeria, to Abosede Ogunde and Joseph Adewole. He attended Chrisland School (Adeniyi Jones), Federal Govt. College (Ido Ani) and Jerare Summit Sec. School (Ogba).

He holds a DipHE in Education, a BSc in Business Information Technology and an MSc in Project Management and Leadership.

About IFB Gaming

IFB Gaming genesis from two longitudinal studies of the gaming paradigm.

IFB Gaming is the first total games-based researh and learning organisation and the first in its category to be awarded a Business Excellence Award for Contribution to Community.

Connect with John
John. Jim. Vivian.